Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Not much to say except-

yesterday, in India, I jumped from a moving train.


oxfordbrat said...

Grrreeeaaatt! Like i don't worry enough already.


Corinne Elysse said...

Im okay don't worry I just got a bit of a lumpy spot on my heaaaad and my right side is bruised and scraped and i liquified the bag of bananas I was carrying. I will tell you aaaall about it later :)

MDAdams said...

Well, I see you can still spell "liquified". Probably nothing worse than a mild concussion, then.

sailaway said...

How fast was the train going and what did you land on?????

Nat said...


grandma said...

why did you have to jump - were you doing something illegal

oxfordbrat said...

Leave it to grandma to think the worst of you. teehee

Unknown said...

Forgot all about how to roll properly, eh? Though I suppose with bags in hand its harder than it sounds.