Saturday, April 16, 2011

Willows Wept, April 16th

Well, I've searched, but the only notable thing about April 16th is that it's possibly the day that Odysseus returned from the Trojan war. Otherwise, nothing. It is a pretty mundane day.

However, I'm super excited, because I've just had a poem accepted to the Willows Wept Review, which is an online publication that I really enjoy. So, today is at least notable in the realm of my small, goofy life.

I can't actually believe that I've neglected to post anything for three days- I don't know where those three days went, but I suspect they might have been stolen by yoga. Next week is going to be shanghaied by a raw food diet, along with lots of yoga. Where in the world did this usage of "shanghai" come from, anyway? It feels a bit like saying "I was tokyoed into driving to the docks". Weird. It always seemed natural when people said it, but as I write the oddness of it is really striking.

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